2 min readSep 21, 2018

The Meaning of “Social”: Social Entrepreneurs, Social Enterprise and Social Innovation

What exactly is the “social” when we talk about social entrepreneurs, social enterprises and social innovation? While the details of how these terms are defined and used are up for debate, it is important to remember that, at this very moment, there are individuals and organizations out there doing this work. The way that these real-life examples look can give us important insight on what the “social” means for social entrepreneurs, enterprise and innovation.

Beginning with a bottom up view, social entrepreneurs are the primary enactors and driving force behind social enterprise and social innovation. They are the individuals and collectives that are spurred to action by a purpose rather than strictly profit. They are creative thinkers, problem solvers and changemakers. Social entrepreneurs are able to see existing social problems and potential pathways to solving those problems in a sustainable way. This approach can then lead social entrepreneurs into a social enterprise setting.

A social enterprise can be a new organization or part of an existing organization. As long as the organization is deliberate about mission-driven work and committed to reinvesting profits into the organization, it can be identified as a social enterprise. The social enterprise should also incorporate measures for accountability and transparency with regards to their approach, finances, outcomes and social impact. The collective impact and alignment between social enterprise organizations can result in social innovations.

Social innovations can mean change at a systemic level. An innovative approach to a longstanding social problem that truly works will be quickly adopted and adapted by others. A social innovation can inspire action from social entrepreneurs, professionals in a relevant field, governments, academics and others, leading to a top-down relationship between social innovation and its ability to inspire new social enterprises and entrepreneurs.

These terms speak to different levels of social activity but they are all closely connected. Working towards solving a pressing social problem can, and should, happen at all of these levels. The relationship between social entrepreneurs, social enterprise and social innovation is, perhaps, more significant then their specific meanings. When individuals, organizations and communities are aware of how their work fits into the large social landscape, their role and social impact is magnified.


Written by senco

The Social Enterprise Network of Central Ontario is an initiative of Georgian College’s Centre for Changemaking…find out more ->

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